g20-turkey16 September 2015: The Civil 20 (C20), a civil society platform of the Group of 20 (G20), issued a communiqué calling for world leaders to champion inclusive growth that respects human life, rights and dignity, and planetary boundaries. The Communiqué was issued by the third annual C20 Summit, which brought together hundreds of civil society delegates to finalize C20’s recommendations to the G20 Leaders Summit 2015, taking place in Antalya, Turkey, on 15-16 November 2015.

The Communiqué calls upon G20 leaders to integrate inclusive growth, gender equality, sustainability, anti-corruption and tax justice across their work, and find solutions for a “world economy that works for all.”

On climate change and energy, the C20 calls on leaders to: agree on a fair and equitable long-term emissions reduction and decarbonization goal; commit to a 100% renewable energy future by 2050; lead on supporting reliable, safe, sustainable and clean energy access for all by 2030; phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2020; prioritize energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean, and decentralized and local projects in infrastructure investments; and significantly increase public climate finance.

C20 also calls on the G20 to develop a permanent body and work plan to regulate the disclosure of climate and carbon risks in key financial institutions, as part of the G20 work on financial stability.

C20 was established in 2013. It is organized by the G20 Presidency’s civil society to act as an interface between civil society and G20 decision-makers. C20 represents 500 civil society organizations (CSOs) from 91 countries. The C20 priorities for 2015 – governance, inclusive growth, gender equality and sustainability – are each led by a working group responsible for consulting with national and international civil society to develop policy positions and recommendations.

The C20 Summit took place from 15-16 September, in Istanbul, Turkey. The G20 Leaders Summit will be hosted by Turkey in Antalya, from 15-16 November 2015. [C20 Summit 2015 Webpage] [C20 Turkey Communiqué] [G20 2015 Event Schedule] [C20 Turkey Webpage]