india.us21 September 2015: The Sixth US-India Energy Partnership Summit convened under the theme, ‘Past Cooperation, Future Strategies and New Opportunities.’ It took place following bilateral energy talks between the US and India. The Summit focused on expanding the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, clean coal technology and accelerating clean energy finance.

In a keynote address, US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz said energy efficiency has a major role to play, as 70% of building and appliances anticipated by 2030 for India have yet to be built or manufactured. Piyush Goyal, Indian Minister of State with Independent Charge for Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy, noted cooperation between the two countries on, inter alia, energy smart cities, space cooling technology, heavy vehicle fuel efficiency and energy research.

Amos Hochstein, US Special Envoy for International Energy Affairs, said India is “well-suited” to lead a transformation to a clean, renewable energy future, adding that the US is its “best partner.” He noted that the transformation is not just about reducing emissions but about energy access as well, and said India can be a “laboratory for innovations” because of its size and diversity.

The Summit, which brought together senior political representatives and policymakers, researchers and corporate leaders from both countries, included three thematic tracks: improving energy efficiency; renewable energy and financing clean energy; and carbon capture, commoditization and utilization.

A High-Level Corporate Dialogue outlined challenges and opportunities for businesses in both countries. The Dialogue focused on harnessing new information sources, engaging stakeholders, and fast tracking intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the corporate sector.

The Summit also discussed, inter alia: a roadmap for India’s 175 giga-watt (GW) renewable energy vision; enhancing joint research in energy storage, biofuels and intelligent grid management; and collaboration on clean coal technologies. Speakers highlighted a wide range of topics, such as: Green Bonds for financing renewable and clean energy projects; private-public cooperation for advancing clean energy; intergenerational equity; and access to Indian markets.

The Energy and Resources Institute North America (TERI NA) hosted the Summit in Washington DC, US on 21 September 2015. [TERI NA Website] [TERI NA Press Release, 17 September] [TERI NA Press Release, Inaugural] [TERI NA Press Release, 21 September][US Department of Energy News Release]