29 September 2015: A high-level discussion on ‘Championing a new approach to peacebuilding’ convened on the sidelines of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Participants discussed how to reform and strengthen the international response to global conflicts and adopt a holistic vision of sustaining peace. The Government of Sweden, International Peace Institute and Dag Hammarskjold Foundation hosted the event.

Speakers discussed new approaches to peacebuilding, including: more deeply integrating political, security and development actions in support of efforts to build and sustain peace in countries affected by or emerging from conflict; strengthening regional capacities to sustain peace and forming partnerships with regional actors; and putting prevention of “lapse and relapse into conflict” at the center of the global agenda in terms of attention and resources.

UNGA President Mogens Lykketoft said that, while peacekeeping can help end violent confrontations, sustaining peace once the conflict ends is equally important. He added that, in order to secure resilient and more sustainable outcomes, solutions must be rooted in inclusive political processes, and based on the rule of law and respect for universal human rights.

Lykketoft acknowledged that the continued fragmentation of the UN system has become a significant drain on the UN’s ability to engage in this area.

He called attention to three review processes under way, namely on: the UN’s peace operations; the UN’s peacebuilding architecture; and women, peace and security. The reviews are at various stages of advancement, he said, stressing the need for them to move forward in a complementary and consistent manner. Lykketoft highlighted that he will organize a high-level thematic debate to identify synergies and strengthen coherence between them, on 10-11 May 2016.

Other speakers at the event included: Margot Wallström, Sweden’s Foreign Minister; Georges Chikoti, Foreign Minister of Angola; Samura Kamara, Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone; Mangala Samaraweera, Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka; and Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support. Terje Rød-Larsen, President, International Peace Institute, served as moderator. [International Peace Institute Press Release] [Remarks of UNGA President] [Video of Event]