unga7012 October 2015: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon introduced a proposed US$5.57 billion budget for the work of the UN over the next two years, during the opening session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary).

The opening session took place on 12 October 2015, in New York, US.

Ban proposed a budget level of US$5.57 billion, which is 1.6% – or US$90.8 million – below the appropriation for the current biennium, and is US$10.2 million – or 0.2% – above the budget outline figure set by the UNGA. He explained that this increase over the budget outline figure is due to adjustments in light of recent UNGA decisions on a new administrative online platform, called Umoja, which is currently being introduced. The budget also reflects a net decrease in job positions compared to the current budget, due to “freezing” posts, Ban said.

Ban underlined that his budget proposals “do not yet reflect any possible financial implications” required for the UN to support Member States in achieving the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or the universal climate agreement to be achieved at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). He said that he will present the cost estimates arising from these frameworks as soon as they are assessed by the Secretariat.

Recalling the forthcoming end of his ten-year tenure as UN Secretary-General, Ban noted that half of the executions for the budget period will have to be carried out by his successor, thus, he said, he feels responsible for ensuring that the next Secretary-General can carry out his or her duties “smoothly and with sufficient resources.”

UNGA President Mogens Lykketoft noted that the Fifth Committee will examine matters related to sustainable development and in particular possible financial implications for the UN arising from the AAAA and the 2030 Agenda. He expressed his hope that the “constructive spirit displayed by Member States to secure these ground-breaking agreements” will also inform the work of the Committee during its 70th session.

Lykketoft underlined that successful negotiations of the UN budget will require commitment, and encouraged delegates to focus on addressing common challenges, as “that which divides us makes us weaker whereas that which unites us makes us stronger.”

Lykketoft said his goal as UNGA President is to help the UN demonstrate a new commitment to action.

The Fifth Committee is chaired by Durga Prasad Bhattarai, Permanent Representative of Nepal, for the 70th session. The Committee expects to conclude its substantive work on 11 December 2015, according to the Programme of Work. [UN Press Release] [UNGA President Remarks] [UN Secretary-General Statement] [Fifth Committee Webpage] [UN Meeting Summary, including links to budget documents]