12 October 2015: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the third annual report to the Conference of the Parties (COP) on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (FCCC/CP/2015/INF.2).
The report contains information on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) in 2015, as well as the related activities undertaken and challenges faced by the Secretariat. It also presents an analysis of the information recorded in the registry as of 1 September 2015.
The report summarizes improvements made to the registry during 2015 and the Secretariat’s achievements in relation to the registry. It also relays the Secretariat’s efforts to support users of the registry, such as through: implementing an outreach strategy to promote the use of the registry; organizing NAMA Marketplace sessions at various events so as to initiate interaction between NAMA hosts and potential investors/support providers; and featuring promising NAMAs recorded in the registry on the web-based platform NAMA news and social media. The report also outlines intended future activities by the Secretariat aimed at engaging with and supporting Parties and entities in using the registry effectively, including: revising the user manual; developing technical materials on the use of the registry; supporting registry users in entering information in the registry; and assisting NAMA developers in finding support by promoting NAMAs.
The report also analyses information relating to the operation of the registry. On participation in the registry, the report notes that in 2015, the registry experienced an increase of 17% in the level of participation compared with the previous year, with an additional 19 registry users requesting and being granted access. As of 1 September 2015, a total of 129 access rights had been distributed, compared with 110 in the previous year. On NAMA entries, the report highlighted a 98% increase in the number of NAMAs submitted and a total of 101 NAMAs submitted by 27 developing countries, up from 51 entries in 2014.
On the financial support being sought for NAMAs, the document reports that a total of US$6.565 billion of financial support is being sought for implementing or preparing NAMAs, representing a 28% increase from the previous year. [Publication: Third annual report to the Conference of the Parties on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions] [IISD RS June-September NAMA Update]