IRENA8 October 2015: A report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) proposes a framework for the development of national roadmaps for power sector transformations. It identifies 20 measures to integrate variable renewable energy sources into electricity grids and presents lessons from countries already pursuing a power system transformation to renewable energy.

The report, titled ‘The Age of Renewable Energy: Designing National Roadmaps for a Successful Transformation,’ presents a framework for the development of national roadmaps through two interlinked activities: continuous assessment, evaluation and improvement of national conditions to support the power sector transformation; and development of the actual roadmap through stakeholder engagement and selection of relevant variable renewable energy grid integration measures.

In terms of the first set of activities, the report identifies measures in the areas of: developing capabilities to collect and process data, and support capacity and network planning; assessing existing flexibility options and constraints; and building technological capabilities to develop, absorb and test new technologies and solutions.

On the second set of activities, the report stresses the need to engage stakeholders from the start, underscoring this as the foundation for the development of national roadmaps. It presents five guiding principles for selecting country context-relevant variable renewable energy grid integration measures, and proposes 20 grid integration measures aimed at key stakeholder groups, namely generators, system operators, customers, regulators and equipment manufacturers.

Aimed at policy makers, the report: highlights the enabling role policy makers can play in a transition towards renewable power generation; calls for policy makers to start engaging in such transitions even when the share of renewables is still low in a country’s energy mix; and stresses the need for a holistic approach and a long-term perspective to a transition to renewables.

The report is part of IRENA’s ‘Power Sector Transformation’ publications package, which includes guides and briefs on, inter alia, smart grids, off-grid systems and electricity storage. It is also presented as IRENA’s support to the commitments and goals of the Group of Twenty (G20) and the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). [IRENA Press Release] [IRENA Publication Webpage] [Publication: The Age of Renewable Power]