OECD_NEWOctober 2015: The Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) framework could enhance transparency on the financial resources provided by governments and the international community to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC). OECD’s Senior Level Meeting considered the TOSSD measurement framework and agreed on a two-year work programme for developing it.

OECD’s SLM convened from 19-20 October 2015. The ‘Proposed Roadmap for Developing the TOSSD Measurement Framework for 2015-2016′ includes: consultations; pilots for testing and validating the measurement methodology; adjustments to the OECD DAC statistical system; and collaboration to build the measurement framework.

Consultations on the development of the TOSSD measurement framework include countries and institutions beyond the OECD DAC. In September 2015, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) hosted a consultation, titled ‘The New Development Cooperation: What will be measured, by whom and what will we do with all the data?.’ Seminars and briefings have convened on the sidelines of key international meetings, such as a high-level panel discussion on the margins of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2015, and a side event at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) in July 2015. An expert workshop convened in Paris, France, in May 2015 and a second workshop is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2015. Additional seminars, workshops and other forms of consultation are expected to continue in 2015-2016, and to result in summary conclusions, recommendations and targeted briefs on progress in developing and operationalizing TOSSD.

Pilot studies are assessing how to adapt the TOSSD framework to existing data systems and operations of development cooperation agencies, finance institutions and ministries. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has completed a pilot exercise on TOSSD with OECD, which illustrates three main areas of official support for development beyond ODA in the UAE. Developing country pilot studies are expected to clarify how development flows are measured, assess how TOSSD could enhance transparency of external development finance, and ensure that the measure is relevant for developing countries. OECD intends to carry out scoping missions in four pilot provider countries, including two non-OECD provider countries, and in four pilot recipient countries, including one least developed country (LDC).

Following the consultations and pilot studies, OECD DAC will assess the fit of the TOSSD measurement framework, including possible adjustments to the database’s architecture and functionality. This step will include development of a platform for public access to TOSSD data.

OECD DAC is also working to establish an informal network of data-gathering institutions to identify data linkages and gaps and assess options for bringing together data repositories in a coherent manner. This step will focus on maintaining data quality and avoiding double-counting with the aim of developing “a mosaic of international databases and networks to underpin the TOSSD measurement framework so that it can feed the post-2015 accountability framework.”

OCED will hold a High Level Meeting in early 2016, which is expected to endorse the work plan and provide additional guidance on operationalizing a broader governance mechanism for TOSSD. DAC estimates the TOSSD could be operational by the first High Level Dialogue on FfD in 2019. [Publication: Proposed Roadmap for Developing the TOSSD Measurement Framework for 2015-2016] [OECD Website on TOSSD] [OECD Description of UAE Pilot Exercise] [OECD Event Page] [IISD RS Story on TOSSD Side Event] [IISD RS Coverage of FfD 3]