backgroundpaper28 October 2015: The UN Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on science, technology and innovation (STI) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has issued a background paper outlining three options for the online platform that will be part of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM). The paper, titled ‘Options of an Online Platform of a Technology Facilitation Mechanism,’ is the second background paper on the TFM released by the IATT. It is intended as a reference for internal discussoins within the IATT on STI, to define the parameters and components of the platform.

The three options suggested for the online platform are: 1) an online library portal, comprised of a repository and mapping of STI-related UN resources, platforms and activities, and a directory of partnerships; 2) a dynamic exchange of knowledge and experiences that includes a community of practice and discussion forums on relevant issues related to STI, in addition to elements included in Option 1; and 3) a fully integrated platform for operational delivery that covers elements included in Options 1 and 2 and other functions, such as those related to a coordinated STI capacity-building programme.

The authors, Adela Antic, World Bank, and Wei Liu, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), highlight the importance of consolidating and building on current initiatives. They write that the platform could, inter alia: provide space for the sharing of knowledge, data, experiences and good practices on STI development, adaptation, dissemination, and transfer in a more systematic and structured way; offer technical guidance and tools to inform policy approaches for promoting STI for sustainable development; connect practitioners and policy makers; facilitate match-making of technology and funding needs, with suitable suppliers of knowledge, expertise and technology; support the creation and work of communities of practice and partnerships related to the technologies relevant to advancing the SDGs; and catalyze international cooperation to accelerate the transfer of technologies to support implementation of the post-2015 development agenda (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

The paper suggests designing the platform in a staged process and “as a consolidated mapping and ‘Delivery as One’ tool to help address the UN system’s fragmentation in support of UN technology-related mandates in the context of the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.” It also makes proposals on the structural components and features of the platform hub.

The online platform was called by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) (paragraph 123) and the 2030 Agenda (paragraph 70) to: establish a comprehensive mapping of, and serve as a gateway for, information on existing STI initiatives; facilitate access to information, knowledge and experience, and best practices and lessons learned on STI facilitation initiatives and policies; and facilitate the dissemination of relevant open access scientific publications generated worldwide. [Background Paper No. 2015/2: Options of An Online Platform of a Technology Facilitation Mechanism] [IISD RS Story on Background Paper 2015/1] [TFM Website] [IISD RS Policy Update on TFM] [IISD RS Story on IATT’s First Meeting]