cites24 November 2015: During a two-day regional workshop, held from 23-24 November 2015, in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs), countries shared lessons learned and agreed to steps on how to improve the management and conservation of African elephants, reduce poaching and prevent illegal ivory trade through the implementation of NIAPs, as required under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The meeting was attended by government representatives from Cameroon, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon, some of the countries directed to develop NIAPs, other range countries, the CITES Secretariat, independent experts and representatives from non-government organizations. The four countries presented their progress on implementation, and highlighted priority gaps and needs, including regional support mechanisms to improve the effectiveness of their activities. Range countries shared their challenges in addressing illegal ivory trade.

Participants noted that the NIAP process has led to improved coordination between various government agencies playing a key role in bringing illegal ivory trade under control. Some also noted that regional cooperation, even though mandated under some of the NIAPs, is still lacking, and called on developing regional intelligence-gathering networks.

Meeting participants produced a menu of priority actions to enhance effective implementation of national, cross-border and regional activities included in NIAPs. This menu of identified priorities will also serve as a mechanism to target potential resources available for delivery of NIAP activities. The CITES Standing Committee will review the implementation progress made by all NIAP parties, including the four NIAP Parties that participated in the workshop, at its 66th meeting to be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 11-15 January 2016. [CITES Press Release] [CITES NIAPS]