amfhud23 December 2015: Participants at the first Arab Ministerial Forum for Housing and Urban Development (AMFHUD) adopted a declaration calling on Arab countries to formulate national plans to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Cairo Declaration on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development also confirms the region’s commitment towards the expected New Urban Agenda at the Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

The UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), Egypt’s Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and the League of Arab States organized the AMFHUD, which took place from 20-22 December 2015, in Cairo, Egypt. The Forum will convene every two years to discuss sustainable urban development and housing issues in the Arab region and inform implementation of SDG 11 (Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.)

In the Declaration, countries call for establishing national committees to monitor and review progress on sustainable urban development. Participants further stressed the importance of decentralization, including financial independence of municipalities, and integrated urban policies and strategies to reduce poverty, promote social inclusion and achieve sustainable urban development.

“Good urbanization does not come by chance but by human design,” said UN-HABITAT Executive Director, Joan Clos, in closing remarks at AMFHUD. Clos commended the region for its adoption of a Regional Strategy on Housing and Sustainable Urbanization, saying this strategy will help the region to implement the SDGs, particularly SDG 11, and the expected New Urban Agenda.

Habitat III will convene in Quito, Ecuador, from 17-20 October 2016. [UN-HABITAT Press Release, 23 December] [UN-HABITAT Press Release, 21 December] [AMFHUD Website] [HABITAT III Website]