hiii23 December 2015: The Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) will be “the most inclusive [Conference] ever organized by the UN,” according to the Conference secretariat, following the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) adoption of the modalities of work for Habitat III. The text approves rules of procedure for the Conference and arrangements for accreditation and participation of major groups and other stakeholders, including recognition of the participation of local authorities. The Assembly also encourages Member States to conclude negotiations on the Conference outcome by July 2016, at the Preparatory Committee’s third session.

Adopting the report (A/70/473) on Habitat III and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), on 22 December 2015, the UNGA agreed that Habitat III will allow representatives of major groups and other stakeholders to: attend all official meetings; intervene in meetings, including presenting oral and written contributions; access all official documents and information; make recommendations; and organize side events and roundtables. The UNGA also decides to organize five days of open-ended informal consultative meetings before the submission of the draft outcome, to facilitate feedback on the conclusions of thematic and regional meetings and Habitat III policy meetings. It invites the bureau of the Preparatory Committee to convene informal, intergovernmental negotiations for three days each in May, June and July 2016, with local authorities’ associations and stakeholders invited to participate in two-day informal hearings in May and June.

The document also recognizes the role of local and regional authorities in sustainable urban development and the implementation of the expected New Urban Agenda, and notes that the Second World Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities will be held back-to-back with Habitat III.

“The text is a historic agreement of Member States towards more inclusive and participatory decisions within the UN system, as well as a true sign of the sense of responsibility in advancing decisions on outstanding issues for a successful, meaningful and action-oriented Habitat III Conference,” said UN-HABITAT Executive Director Joan Clos. He described dialogue among national governments, local authorities and stakeholders as critical in “the guarantee of an implementable New Urban Agenda.”

The preparations for Habitat III include a series of seven thematic meetings taking place from September 2015-April 2016, and a series of four regional meetings taking place from October 2015-April 2016. The next thematic meeting, on Sustainable Energy and Cities, takes place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on 20 January 2016. The next regional meeting, for Africa, takes place in Abuja, Nigeria, from 24-26 February 2016. [Habitat III Press Release] [UNGA Meeting Summary, 22 December] [A/70/473] [Regional and Thematic Meetings]