ITPGR CBD19 January 2016: The report of the sixth session of the Governing Body (GB 6) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has been made available online. Given the close linkages between the ITPGR, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS), the CBD Secretariat has issued a notification highlighting some of the GB 6 outcomes that are of particular relevance to the CBD and the Nagoya Protocol.

ITPGR GB 6 was held from 5-9 October 2015, at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), in Rome, Italy. The meeting focused on: addressing the shortfall in funding to the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) through a review of the Funding Strategy and efforts to enhance the Treaty’s Multilateral System (MLS) of ABS; and strengthening implementation of Treaty provisions with regard to the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) on-farm, through the work programme on sustainable use and farmers’ rights.

GB 6 extended the mandate of the Ad hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the MLS, and adopted a work programme for the Global Information System. The report of the meeting includes the meeting’s proceedings, adopted resolutions, opening statements and statements by international organizations and intergovernmental bodies, the reports of the Chairperson and Secretary, reports from high-level initiatives on the Treaty, closing statements from regional groups, and the list of participants.

The CBD Secretariat has highlighted, in particular: the extension of the mandate of the Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the MLS, which was requested to revise the standard Material Transfer Agreement focusing, in particular, on the development of a subscription system and to elaborate options for adapting the coverage of the MLS; establishment of a scientific advisory committee to provide guidance on the development and strengthening of the Global Information System; collaboration between the CBD and the ITPGR on implementation of the revised programme of work on sustainable use of PGRFA; activities to be undertaken on farmers’ rights; and enhanced collaboration efforts between the CBD and the ITPGR, also in the framework of the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-related Conventions and for implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. [ITPGR GB 6 Report] [CBD Notification] [Natural Resources Policy & Practice Story on ITPGR GB 6] [IISD RS Coverage of ITPGR GB 6] [ITPGR GB 6 Meeting Documents]