InforMEAMarch 2016: The United National Information Portal on Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) (InforMEA) has launched a survey seeking input from stakeholders on the effectiveness and usefulness of InforMEA, and seeking input on how it may be improved. Responses are requested by 23 March 2016.

The aim of InforMEA is to facilitate global access to information on MEAs including treaty texts, COP decisions, national reports and plans. It also features an e-learning tool introducing key MEAs and their regulatory frameworks, and a concept of international environmental law and governance in the LEO glossary section.

InforMEA is a project of the MEA Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) Initiative with the support from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The global treaties covered by InforMEA address the following issues: biodiversity; chemicals and wastes; and climate and atmosphere. InforMEA also covers various regional treaties on these topics. [InforMEA Website] [Survey] [E-learning Tool] [LEO Glossary]