norway-flag6 June 2016: Partnerships will be critical in achieving necessary synergies among levels and sectors to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, participants said during the ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Leadership Seminar’ in Oslo, Norway. Participants highlighted the SDGs as an opportunity to identify and implement new solutions and advance positive impacts on society, with a particular emphasis on partnerships.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yara International, NHO (an umbrella organization for the private sector in Norway), and the Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment (ForUM) organized the seminar, which convened on 6 June 2016, under the theme ‘Delivering on the SDGs: a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.’ David Nabarro, UN Special Adviser on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, moderated the panel discussion, stressing that SDG implementation is contingent on partnerships.

Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Børge Brede, outlined five approaches that he said will be critical for Norway to achieve the SDGs. These approaches are: addressing the causes of poverty; using resources in a smarter and more strategic way; promoting employment and job creation; promoting good governance; and ensuring strong national leadership. He stressed Norway’s commitment to deliver on the SDGs, saying Norway will “walk the walk” nationally and internationally.

Partnerships are critical in financing the SDGs, said Frannie Leautier, African Development Bank (AfDB), saying financing for the SDGs is beyond the capacity of any one organization. She said the AfDB will leverage its own resources to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in Africa and accelerate Africa’s transformation. Leautier explained that the AfDB aims to become a catalyst for scaling up development finance for Africa and mobilizing domestic resources. Leautier underscored the importance of enhancing collaboration between the public and the private sector “to unleash the private sector’s vast potential as an engine for transformation and inclusive and shared growth.”

The event also explored how the private sector can advance efforts to achieve the SDGs, with several suggesting that the private sector can use the SDGs as a source of inspiration. Participants suggested partnerships with the private sector to help achieve the SDGs, and called for financial transparency, including from the private sector.

The event also addressed: the SDGs as a strategic tool rather than a reporting scheme; the importance of committing resources to ensure SDG implementation; and the role of youth in reaching the SDGs, with some stressing the need for job creation for youth in Africa as part of efforts to achieve the SDGs. [AfDB Press Release] [IISD RS Sources]