sdg_1410 June 2016: The co-facilitators for the modalities of the UN Conference to Support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 (Conserve and Sustainably Use the Ocean, Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development) have circulated a draft resolution on the modalities of the Conference, to be considered in informal consultations on 23 June. The Conference will convene from 5-9 June 2017, in Nadi, Fiji.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) decided to convene the UN Conference to Support Implementation of SDG 14 in a December 2015 resolution (A/RES/70/226). Jagdish Koonjul, Permanent Representative of Mauritius, and Magnus Lennartsson, Ambassador at the Permanent Mission of Sweden, serve as co-facilitators for the consultations, and circulated an earlier draft of the resolution on 24 May.

On the objectives of the conference, the draft notes that the event will: identify ways and means to support SDG 14 implementation; build on existing partnerships and stimulate new partnerships to advance SDG 14 implementation; involve all relevant stakeholders to assess challenges, opportunities, and actions taken; share experience gained at national, regional, and international levels; and contribute to the follow-up and review process by providing inputs to the High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF).

On the theme of the conference, the text decides that it will be ‘Our Oceans, Our Future: Partnering for the implementation of SDG 14.’

On the organization of the Conference, the Assembly would decides that the Conference will be convened at the highest possible level and will be comprised of eight plenary meetings, seven Partnership dialogues, and a special event commemorating World Oceans Day. On the Partnership dialogues, the text specifies that they will be multi-stakeholder, interactive, and focused on concrete action-oriented recommendation for SDG 14 implementation.

On the preparatory process, UNGA would: request UNGA President to appoint two co-facilitators to oversee the informal intergovernmental consultations on issues relating to the Conference and its preparatory process; request the UNGA President to convene a two-day preparatory meeting in February 2017 at UN Headquarters, to consider themes for the Partnership dialogues and elements for a draft political declaration; request the Secretary-General to submit a report/ note to UNGA by the end of January 2017, outlining challenges, opportunities, gaps and constraints in the implementation of SDG 14, including a proposal for the Partnership dialogues; and request the co-facilitators to present a concise draft political declaration no later than March 2017.

On the outcome of the conference, the text calls for: a “concise, focused, and intergovernmentally agreed political declaration”; and a report containing, inter alia, the Co-Chairs’ summaries of the Partnership dialogues and a list of voluntary commitments for SDG 14 implementation, announced at the Conference. [Draft Modalities Resolution] [IISD RS Story on 24 May Draft]