united-iom25 July 2016: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) unanimously adopted a resolution establishing the basis for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to join the UN system. An agreement to formalize the relationship is expected to be signed on 19 September 2016, at the UN Summit for refugees and migrants, which takes place in New York, US.

The IOM was established to resettle refugees from Europe after World War II. It works with migrants and displaced people in communities, and with countries to incorporate migration in their development plans and manage refugee resettlement and voluntary returns.

The UNGA resolution replaces the Cooperation Agreement between the UN and the IOM of 25 June 1996, and brings the IOM into a closer integration with UN entities. The IOM Council initially approved the text of the draft resolution at its meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30 June 2016.

Upon the adoption of the UNGA resolution (A/70/L.57), UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that, at a time of growing levels of migration within and across borders, a closer legal and working relationship is needed more than ever, and will contribute to a more effective global response to migration challenges. He added that the move will help to strengthen the support given to UN Member States through the UN system for implementing the migration-related elements of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The resolution recognizes the need for effective coordination of the activities and services of the UN and IOM, with a view to avoiding duplication.

IOM Director General William Lacey Swing welcomed the agreement as showing UN Member States’ commitment to humane and orderly migration. UNGA President Mogens Lykketoft also welcomed the agreement, calling it an example of the concrete action needed as more people than ever before are on the move, for reasons that include fleeing conflict and persecution. [UN Press Release] [UN Resolution] [UN Secretary-General’s Statement] [UNGA President’s Remarks] [IOM Press Release]