unstats19 September 2016: The UN Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) is conducting an online consultation, open to all, to refine some of the indicators in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) global indicator framework. The consultation runs from 19-28 September 2016, and input will be reviewed ahead of the Group’s next meeting. Possible refinements are being considered for indicators under SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 16.

Respondents are invited to submit their proposals for possible refinements to ten specific indicators, related to the targets on: international cooperation for poverty reduction (Target 1.a); prevention of trade restriction and distortion (Target 2.b); universal health coverage (Target 3.8); access to medicines (Target 3.b); sexual and reproductive health (Target 5.6); investment in clean energy (Target 7.a); labor rights, including for migrant workers (Target 8.8); sustainable tourism (Target 8.9); youth employment (Target 8.b); and organized crime (Target 16.4).

The IAEG-SDG members will review the input from the consultation before the fourth meeting of the Group, convening in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 18-21 October 2016. The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is hosting this meeting, of which the first two days will take place as a closed session for members, followed by a two-day plenary open to all countries, agencies and other stakeholders. The meeting is expected to finalize the initial tier system for indicators, and establish an ongoing process for further refining the indicators. Members will also discuss options for those indicators that do not have a proposed custodian agency, and review data flows from national to regional and global levels.

The UN Statistical Commission (UNSC), a grouping of UN Member States, established the IAEG-SDGs in 2015 at its 46th session to develop an indicator framework for monitoring the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At its 47th session in March 2016, the UNSC agreed to the proposed indicator framework, and requested the Group to take into account Member States’ specific proposals for refinements to the indicators (decision 47/101e). [Consultation Webpage] [Consultation Form with Proposed Refinements to Indicators] [Instructions to Respondents] [UNECA Notice on 4th Meeting of IAEG-SDGs]