hlpf_sdgSeptember 2016: In its official report of the 2016 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), the UN notes that the national voluntary reviews presented by 22 countries revealed many similarities in countries’ visions, goals and priorities, while also reflecting differences in priority areas based on national context. The report (E/HLPF/2016/8) also states that, based on national priorities, countries have built or are building Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators, sometimes based on “nationalized” global indicators. The report calls on all countries to “take advantage” of the HLPF to report on progress.

The HLPF convened under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) from 11-20 July 2016, with participation of representatives of 119 UN Member States and States members of specialized agencies, in addition to UN organizations, the EU, intergovernmental organizations, and NGOs. In addition to the 22 voluntary national reviews, the 2016 session included discussions on: how to ensure that no one is left behind; means of implementation; the science-policy interface; mainstreaming the SDGs and creating ownership at the national level; regional experiences; delivering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for countries in special situations; and the role of multi-stakeholder engagement for implementation.

Discussions highlighted the need to: address multiple forms of discrimination, including against women, indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees, persons with disabilities and many other groups; and enhance the voice of all stakeholders in decision-making, including by providing adequate resources for their participation. According to the report, food security in developing countries should continue to be a key priority for policy coherence, and requires systematic inclusion in national and international decision-making, especially in relation to climate, agriculture and trade.

On implementation, the report states that local and subnational level governments will be critical since they have a front role to play in securing the safety, well-being and livelihoods of communities. It suggests that they develop road maps and guiding principles for coordination and monitoring at multiple levels.

On the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), the report notes countries’ requests for dedicated content on groups of countries in special situations, and for mobilizing the broadest possible range of scientific inputs from multiple disciplines. The report calls for: a revitalized and enhanced global partnership that brings in all stakeholders and mobilizes all available resources; better data and information; investments in education and capacity, health and nutrition, livelihoods and resilience to shocks; increased financial inclusion; and investing in infrastructure.

The report also outlines the importance of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) and the need to meet commitments included in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, such as on official development assistance (ODA) to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda. [Report of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Convened under the Auspices of Economic and Social Council at its 2016 session] [IISD RS Coverage of HLPF 2016] [SDG Knowledge Hub story on ECOSOC President’s Summary of HLPF 2016]