june_september_2016_nama30 September 2016: This update focuses on individual nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries, and related support, events and activities, for the period from mid-June to the end of September 2016. While this period saw slow growth in new registered projects, a major call for applications for support was launched, and several events sought to improve various aspects of NAMAs and NAMA financing in order to accelerate matching of actions with support.

NAMAs, first introduced in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Cancun Agreements, are actions that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to business-as-usual (BAU) emissions in 2020 in developing countries. They are prepared under the umbrella of a governmental initiative, aligned with the country’s national development goals, and supported by finance, technology and capacity building.

NAMAs are becoming an increasingly important vehicle supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, with significant co-benefits for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development due to their alignment with national development strategies. Increasing attention is also being paid to bridging the existing gap between support requested by developing countries and that received. The NAMA-related activities reported in this Update contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts), SDG 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) and SDG 11 (Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable), among others.

June-September Update: Slow Growth in New Registered Actions, Financing

On 30 September 2016, the UNFCCC NAMA Registry displayed a total of: 67 NAMAs seeking support for preparation (up by one from mid-June 2016 when IISD RS published its previous NAMA Update); 63 NAMAs seeking support for implementation (up by three); nine NAMAs for recognition; 18 entries on support for NAMAs; and 16 supported NAMAs. The registry is aimed at facilitating the matching of NAMAs seeking international support with finance, technology and capacity-building support, and at recognizing other NAMAs. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry]

Based on the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) DTU Partnership’s monthly pipeline, as of 1 September 2016, the total number of NAMAs stood at 136. Total support offered for NAMAs remained at similar levels compared to June, at US$176 million, equalling to 2.2% of total support requested. [UNEP DTU NAMA Pipeline]

New NAMAs from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Viet Nam

Uzbekistan is seeking US$550,000 in support for the preparation of a NAMA that will see the reforestation of 30,000 hectares of land used currently for wheat production and pasture with trees. The project is expected to result in: substantial net GHG sequestration; a country-wide transformation to low-carbon land-management; decreased soil erosion and improved soil fertility; and sustainable livelihoods for local communities. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry Entry] [UNEP DTU NAMA Pipeline]

Kazakhstan is looking for a total support of US$49.3 million for the implementation of a transport sector NAMA that focuses on fuel switching from gasoline and diesel to natural gas. Working through a phased approach, by 2025 the NAMA expects to achieve comprehensive market penetration. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry Entry]

Thailand’s People-centred Urban Mobility NAMA aims to improve Bangkok’s public transport system by enhancing feeder modes to the city’s urban rail network. With a total estimated implementation cost of US$640 million, the NAMA is seeking US$16 million in financial support and US$2 million in technological and capacity-building support. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry Entry]

A NAMA that aims to incentivise the use of biogas power at pig farms in Viet Nam through policy development and technology investments, is seeking a total of US$100.6 million in external implementation support, including US$96 in concessional loans and loan insurance, and US$4.6 million in capacity-building support. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry Entry]

‘NAMA Market Place’ Gives Visibility to NAMAs Seeking Support

At two events taking place in June and September 2016, sessions organized under the title NAMA Market Place provided the opportunity for developing countries seeking implementation support to showcase their NAMAs.

At the Africa Carbon Forum, taking place from 28-30 June in Kigali, Rwanda, experts from Gambia, Kenya, Namibia and Uganda presented their countries’ NAMAs to panelists representing the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the private sector. The session was organized jointly by the UNFCCC Secretariat and the UN Development Programme (UNDP). [NAMA News Article on Africa Carbon Forum]

At the Asia Pacific Carbon Forum, taking place during the Global Green Growth Week, from 5-9 September on Jeju Island, the Republic of Korea, experts from Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Viet Nam presented their NAMAs to a panel of public donors and private investors. The NAMAs target energy efficiency in buildings, distributed renewable energy generation, and solid waste generation and treatment. [NAMA News Article on Asia Pacific Carbon Forum] [NAMA News Article on Global Green Growth Week]

NAMA Facility Launches Fourth Call, Events Focus on Linking Projects with Support

In July 2016, the NAMA Facility, a German-UK joint initiative, launched its Fourth Call. The two Governments will provide a total of up to €60 million for NAMAs with a high potential for transformational change towards a low-carbon development trajectory, with a particular focuson the mobilization of additional capital investments. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2016. [NAMA Facility Press Release] [NAMA Facility Call for Projects] [NAMA News Article]

In July and September, the NAMA Facility held two interactive webinars in order to provide interested countries with information regarding the Fourth Call application process and assessment criteria. The presentations were made available online. [NAMA Facility July Webinar Recording] [NAMA Facility September Webinar Recording] [NAMA Facility Technical Support Unit YouTube Channel]

Also, the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and the UNFCCC made available the proceedings of a donor coordination meeting held in June in Helsinki, Finland, dedicated to facilitating access to climate finance for NAMA implementation to drive NDC implementation. The report concludes that, “while NDCs have replaced NAMAs to represent the political will of parties to contribute to climate mitigation, NAMAs are still an important tool to implement NDCs.” It also identifies the need for, inter alia: combining financial instruments; standardizing reoccurring aspects of NAMAs; and an ongoing exchange of experiences with NAMA implementation. [NAMA News Article] [NEFCO-UNFCCC Report] [NEFCO Event Presentations]

In other events, the UNEP DTU Partnership’s capacity building initiative NAMAcademy organized two training sessions, in Denmark in May, and Ecuador in June, centered on creating an effective NAMA. The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) participated in the event in Denmark and reportedly “took great interest in providing technical assistance to assist the various NAMA proposals in readiness for implementation.” [UNEP DTU Partnership Press Release]

In July, the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (J-CCCP) and the Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme organized training sessions aimed at supporting the development of mitigation actions, including NAMAs, in the Caribbean. The sessions, held in Grenada, Saint Lucia, Suriname and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, were attended by a total of 200 participants, and included sessions focusing on financial mechanisms, institutional set-up and sustainability. The J-CCCP is working to assist Caribbean countries with the preparation of sectoral NAMAs. [NAMA News Article] [UNDP Press Release]

Speaking at another J-CCCP training seminar on the development and implementation of NAMAs, hosted in Guyana in early September, Guyana’s Minister of State Joseph Harmon called on the “private sector to play a more critical role in mitigation efforts.” [Guyana Ministry of the Presidency Press Release]

It was also reported that the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) is seeking to “serve as a catalyst to seize the opportunities for public-private alliances through the implementation of NAMAs.” Towards this objective, ICEX has also launched a NAMA Platform as a “bridge to strengthen this public-private cooperation following a tailor made approach to analyse the potential cooperation, tools and solutions that could match the NAMA according to its needs.” [Development Finance Article]

NAMAs Receiving Support Documented

In the period from mid-June to September, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), consultancies and other support initiatives reported on NAMAs receiving support for preparation or implementation.

In the area of energy efficiency in buildings and lighting, Uzbekistan received support for the design of a NAMA targeting the improvement of insulation in residential buildings. Viet Nam is receiving support for switching to energy efficient lighting through an urban pilot project. [Climate Focus Article on Uzbekistan] [Adelphi Article on Viet Nam]

In the transport sector, Colombia’s Transit-Oriented Development NAMA is moving to implementation. The NAMA centers on the establishment of an “independent center for the promotion of transit-oriented development, housed within the national development bank.” [CCAP Article on Colombia] [NAMA News Article]

In the agricultural sector, Kenya is receiving support for the development of a NAMA that will enhance the productivity of, and reduce non-renewable energy use in, the country’s dairy sector. A multi-stakeholder meeting held in September discussed options for GHG emission reductions in the sector. [World Agroforestry Centre Press Release]

In the industrial sector, Thailand is receiving implementation support for a NAMA that will support the adoption of climate-friendly and energy efficient cooling technologies, working on both the demand and supply sides. [UK Government Press Release] [GIZ Press Release]

In the waste sector, Colombia has received support for the development of a NAMA that aims to effectuate a shift from landfilling to alternative waste treatments. In Kenya, a NAMA for a circular economy solid waste management approach for urban areas has also received development support. [NAMA News Article on Colombia] [NAMA News Article on Kenya]

In multi-sectorial news, Panama has developed a portfolio of 11 NAMAs that cover a broad range of sectors that will result in an estimated combined GHG reduction of more than 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year. Indonesia and South Africa have completed the development of vertically integrated NAMAs (v-NAMAs) for including subnational actors in national climate strategies. [NAMA News Article on Panama] [IKI Project Brochure]

Taking Stock, Assessing, Improving NAMAs

Over the Northern summer of 2016, a number of entities took stock of experiences with NAMAs, and sought inputs for improving project or programme design.

In Viet Nam, UNDP organized a regional workshop on ‘unpacking (I)NDCs – identifying, prioritising, planning and implementing mitigation and adaptation measures,’ which included an overview of NAMAs in Asia and the Pacific. [UNDP Viet Nam Workshop Presentation]

In Pakistan, the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) led on a project to assess NAMA as a policy tool to provide renewable energy for the industrial sector of the city of Punjab, which concluded that “photovoltaic panels for industry could mitigate up to 377,000 tons of carbon dioxide and gain average savings of US$27,400 per year on electricity costs.” [CDKN Article] [CDKN Publication]

In Sri Lanka, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized a consultation meeting for the national waste management programme that sought to identify obstacles to obtaining data for emission reduction and verification and developing stakeholders’ technical capacity. [Sri Lanka Government Press Release]

The NAMA Facility launched a call for inputs for the Facility’s mid-term evaluation, which will be conducted by an external party and will run from May to November 2016. The evaluation will focus on understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the initiative, and assessing its relevance and scope for improvement. Once finalized, the outcomes of the evaluation will be made public. [NAMA Facility Call for Inputs]

Must Reads on NAMAs

Over the Northern summer, NAMA support initiatives and organizations released analyses examining the role of NAMAs in the Paris Agreement and countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs):

  • NAMA News published a short analysis based on MitigationMomentum’s mid-year NAMA Status Report, released in early June. [NAMA News Analysis]
  • The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV released a report, based on a regional workshop in Africa, which examines the use of NAMAs as effective building blocks for NDC implementation. [International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV Report]
  • A blog post by an UNDP economist examines the topic of ‘demystifying the NAMA.’ [UNDP Article]