14 November 2016: Australia, Austria, Canada, France and the European Commission announced that they have joined the NAP Global Network, which seeks to enhance bilateral donor’s support for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes.

These countries and the European Commission join other bilateral donors, including the US, Germany, the UK and Japan, in supporting developing countries’ national adaption planing through the Network. Austria also announced USD 100,000 in funding and Canada announced CAD 2 million in funding for NAP Global Network activities.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, bilateral support makes up the majority of development finance for climate change adaptation. The NAP Global Network is a forum in which bilateral donors can engage with one another to coordinate this adaptation support.

The Network was created in 2014 to enhance support for national adaptation planning through peer learning and exchange, improved coordination, and supporting national level action on NAP development and implementation. The Network’s participants are based across over 50 countries and include representatives of bilateral donors, as well as participants from developing countries involved in creating and implementing national adaptation plans. Initial funding for the Network is provided by the United States’ State Department and Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ. The Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). [NAP Global Network Press Release]