11 May 2017: The UN held the first-ever Small Business Knowledge Summit, highlighting the role of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the 2030 Agenda. The Permanent Mission of Argentina, the UN Office for Partnerships (UNOPS) and the International Council for Small Business organized the summit on 11 May 2017, ahead of a newly designated annual Day taking place on 27 June.

Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, the UN Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet, said MSMEs can lead the way towards achieving the 2030 Agenda by harnessing new market opportunities to create jobs and drive productivity. Their leadership is especially important for promoting aspects of SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), she said.

Viotti noted that MSMEs represent around 90% of global economic activity, and thus can have “tremendous impact in embedding responsible business practices and sustainability in today’s complex global value chains.” In addition, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up over half of the business participants in the UN Global Compact. Signatories to the UN Global Compact commit to doing business responsibly and advancing the SDGs, she said. Viotti called for broader cooperation to tackle the challenges faced by these enterprises, including through capacity building, integrating them into the formal economy, and ensuring greater access to financial services, microfinance and credit.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) designated 27 June as the annual MSME Day, in a resolution of 6 April 2017 (71/279). The resolution recognizes the need to focus on the importance of MSMEs in achieving the SDGs, in particular in promoting innovation, creativity and decent work for all. It also recognizes the need for sustainable business practices and “the importance of principles for responsible business and investing.” [UN Press Release] [Viotti Statement] [ICSB Summit Information] [UNGA Resolution 71/279] [SDG Knowledge Hub News and Commentary on SDG 8]