2 June 2017: At their 19th bilateral summit, the EU and China reaffirmed their cooperation to tackle climate change and their support to the Paris Agreement.

At the Summit, EU and Chinese leaders discussed their political and economic relations and exchanged views on foreign policy and security challenges.

At an EU-China High Level Energy Dialogue, the two sides signed the Work Plan 2017-2018 of the Technical Implementation of the EU-China Roadmap on Energy Cooperation.

On climate change, they reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the Paris Agreement and highlighted the importance of fostering cooperation in their energy policies. They also looked forward to co-hosting, together with Canada, a ministerial gathering in September 2017 to advance the implementation of the Agreement and accelerate the clean energy transition.

On energy, a EU-China High Level Energy Dialogue was held on 2 June in the morning and the two sides signed the Work Plan 2017-2018 of the Technical Implementation of the EU-China Roadmap on Energy Cooperation. According to the EU, the Roadmap, agreed in June 2016, commits both sides to tackling common energy and climate challenges, including security of energy supply, energy infrastructure and market transparency. It also encourages the sharing of best practices with regards to energy regulation, demand and supply analysis, energy crisis, and nuclear safety, as well as grid design and the integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid.

The summit took place from 1-2 June 2017, in Brussels, Belgium. The EU was represented by the European Council President Donald Tusk and the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, while China was represented by Prime Minister Li Keqiang. [EU China Summit Website] [EU Press Release]