8 June 2017: India and the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) have launched the India-UN Development Partnership Fund to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by implementing country-driven projects that aim to: reduce poverty and hunger; improve health, education and equality; and increase access to clean water, energy and livelihoods.

Shri M.J. Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs, India, announced the launch of the Fund on 8 June 2017 during the UN Ocean Conference. UN Secretary-General António Guterres, speaking about the launch of the Fund, stressed that South-South cooperation is a “powerful tool” in advancing towards achieving the SDGs.

The ‘Climate Early Warning System in Pacific Island Countries’ project is the first to receive support from the Fund.

Following the launch, the first project to receive support from the Fund was announced. The ‘Climate Early Warning System in Pacific Island Countries’ project will increase natural disaster resilience in seven Pacific island countries and contribute towards achieving SDG 13 (climate action). Welcoming the announcement of the project, Charmaine Scotty, Minister for Education, Home Affairs and Land Management, Nauru, lauded the “demand-driven responsiveness of the Fund to the needs of SIDS.”

The UNOSSC-managed Fund will focus mainly on projects in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS). [UNOSSC Press Release] [Statement by India on the Launch of the Fund]