11 June 2017: UN Member States on retreat in Costa Rica have recommended pollution-related topics to be discussed by world leaders at the next UN Environment Assembly meeting (UNEA-3). UN Environment, meanwhile, is launching a global campaign to raise awareness of pollution issues in the lead-up to the meeting. UNEA-3 is expected to deliver a political declaration on pollution linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and voluntary commitments to stem pollution, including a Clean Planet Charter.

The discussions took place at a retreat hosted by the Government of Costa Rica from 9-10 June, which involved UNEA bureau members, members of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP or UN Environment), and UN staffers in discussing preparations leading up to UNEA-3.

Participants at the retreat agreed that four leadership dialogues taking place at UNEA-3 will address the overall pollution theme of the meeting, focusing on: science, evidence and citizen awareness; regulatory frameworks, institutions and the rule of law to address pollution; practical solutions for a pollution-free planet; and financing and innovation to combat pollution. They emphasized that draft resolutions from UNEA-3 should be limited in number, and should be linked to the Assembly’s theme of ‘Towards a Pollution-Free Planet.’ The third meeting of the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR-3) is expected to finalize all resolutions ahead of the Assembly. Participants envisage a long-term programme of action against pollution, which could be undertaken on a broad UN system level, as a potential UNEA-3 outcome.

Participants at the retreat called for scaling up engagement with the private sector at UNEA-3, and for partnerships with businesses from all regions of the world and “at all stages of development.”

Participants at the retreat called for scaling up engagement with the private sector at UNEA-3, and for partnerships with businesses from all regions of the world and “at all stages of development.” They also called for raising the profile of the Assembly in general, and at the forthcoming session of the High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF) in particular, noting that both the Assembly and the HLPF are the only high-level UN forums with universal membership. They acknowledged a shortfall in funding of UNEA-3 and encouraged all countries to contribute, while urging the Secretariat to prioritize support for the attendance of least-developed countries.

UN Environment also introduced its communication strategy for UNEA-3, which will leverage ongoing campaigns to drive the anti-pollution agenda. These include the World Health Organization (WHO) and Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) ‘Breathe Life’ campaign to improve air quality in cities, the Clean Seas campaign to reduce marine litter, the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint campaign, the Green Passport campaign for sustainable tourism, and ongoing advocacy efforts to reduce mercury emissions and raise fuel quality standards. A ‘Clean Planet Charter’ is open for all concerned to make their own voluntary commitments against pollution, through actions such as minimizing waste, avoiding consumer products that contain toxic chemicals, and choosing low-emission forms of transport.

UNEA-3 is scheduled for 4-6 December 2017. Prior to UNEA-3, the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR) will meet from 29 November to 1 December. [UN Environment Summary of the Costa Rica Retreat] [Communication Strategy for 2017 UN Environment Assembly] [IISD RS Report on UNEA-3 Preparations] [UNEA Website] [Clean Planet Charter Website]