16 June 2017: Recent initiatives in the field of adaptation and loss and damage brought into the spotlight climate change adaptation in Asia, particularly in the agriculture sector.

The UNFCCC Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Expert Group (LEG) conducted a regional training workshop on national adaptation plans (NAPs) for Asia. Recent publications addressed climate-smart agriculture (CSA) investments in Viet Nam, and climate-related hazards mapping in South Asia, among others. These developments highlight the interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 13 (climate action).

The LEG regional training workshop for Asia took place in Manila, the Philippines, from 13-16 June 2017. The workshop aimed to, inter alia: support countries in the region in designing assessments of climate risk and vulnerability leading to the identification of adaptation priorities; provide technical guidance and support on the design of implementation of NAPs, taking into account modalities for accessing financing under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other climate funding channels; enhance countries’ capacity in accessing GCF funding for NAPs formulation; provide a platform for countries to share experiences and lessons learned when formulating and implementing NAPs; and promote South-South and regional cooperation on NAPs. [Workshop Programme] [Workshop UNFCCC Webpage]

The International Water Management Institute released a research report that presents an overview of the multiple climate hazard risks, estimates their impacts on people and agriculture, and outlines key issues and challenges facing the region.

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security – Southeast Asia (CCAFS-SEA) issued a report titled, ‘Assessment of potential CSA options for future agriculture production in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam,’ outlining climate change impacts on agriculture and CSA opportunities in the region. [Assessment of Potential CSA Options for Future Agriculture Production in the South Central Coast Region of Vietnam] [Publication Landing Page] [CCAFS Press Release]

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) released its research report 170 titled, ‘Mapping Multiple Climate-related Hazards in South Asia,’ which presents an overview of the multiple climate hazard risks, estimates their impacts on people and agriculture, and outlines key issues and challenges facing the region. [Mapping Multiple Climate-related Hazards in South Asia] [Publication Landing Page] [IWMI Research Report Webpage] [IWMI Press Release]

Other recent publications on climate change adaptation in agriculture include: