17 July 2017: The UN Development Group (UNDG) and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) have highlighted toolkits they have developed to support Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation. The SDG Acceleration Toolkit offers tools for analyzing SDG linkages, “last-mile” analysis tools and risk-informed planning tools. The self-assessment toolkit for parliaments provides a framework to evaluate readiness to engage with the SDGs, as well as examples of best practices.

UNDG and IPU highlighted the toolkits during events at the 2017 session of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), which is taking place at UN Headquarters in New York, US, from 10-19 2017.

The SDG Acceleration toolkit includes information about resources that provide diagnostics, guidelines, computer models and programmes, programming methodologies, monitoring indicators and indices, financing instruments and funds, technology access protocols, training programmes, forecasting and back-casting methodologies, and more. The toolkit compiles resources that were identified through research and a “call for tools.” It will be updated twice a year, in May and November, based on user submissions. Submissions are reviewed by a toolkit panel.

Tools for analyzing SDG links include: indicator and assessment tools; static interlinkage tools; and dynamic simulation tools. “Last-mile” analysis tools include: data revolution tools; fragility assessment tools; vulnerability assessment tools; tools for financing the SDGs; human rights mainstreaming tools; and community-based planning and partnership/multistakeholder engagement tools. Risk-informed planning tools include: disaster risk reduction tools; environmental degradation risk reduction tools; peace and conflict analysis tools; epidemic and pandemic analysis tools; economic forecasting tools; tools for financing resilience; and risk, foresight and scenario tools. [SDG Acceleration toolkit]

The toolkit for parliaments includes a self-assessment guide, which it recommends should be conducted by bringing together parliamentarians from a variety of backgrounds to enhance the assessment’s ability to reflect on a parliament’s preparedness to engage with the SDGs. The toolkit also highlights the importance of monitoring for SDG implementation, and suggests that parliaments should make sure that implementation is “on track and can be recalibrated in light of evidence and public feedback.” Self-assessment issues for discussion include identifying a baseline for how the SDGs will be brought from the global to the local level, and mainstreaming the SDGs within parliamentary mechanisms. [Parliaments and the Sustainable Development Goals – A self-assessment toolkit]