10 August 2017: The member States of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have finalized a draft declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change. The draft declaration is the result of a year of work, including the meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) and extensive written consultations with member States.

An intergovernmental meeting responsible for finalizing the draft declaration took place in Paris, France, from 27-30 July 2017.

UNESCO member States are expected to adopt the declaration and proclaim the principles reflected therein at the 39th session of the UNESCO General Conference.

The draft declaration includes principles relating to prevention of harm, the precautionary approach, equity and justice, sustainable development, solidarity, and scientific knowledge and integrity in decision making. The declaration also includes provisions on the principles’ application in relation to, inter alia: science, technologies and innovations; risk assessment and management; vulnerable groups; and education and public awareness.

UNESCO member States are expected to adopt the declaration and proclaim the principles reflected therein at the 39th session of the UNESCO General Conference, taking place in Paris from 30 October to 14 November 2017. [Preliminary Text of a Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change] [Report by the Rapporteur of the Intergovernmental Meeting for the Preparation of a Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change] [UNESCO Press Release] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Governments Advancing Work on Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change]