2 November 2017: The UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the partnership between UN Environment (UNEP) and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (UNEP-DTU Partnership) issued a guidance for preparing a Technology Action Plan (TAP). Other recent publications described in this Update highlight: 2017 activities of the TEC and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN); good practices in knowledge sharing on adaptation technologies; and adaptation technologies for water.

The guidance published by the policy arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism TEC and UNEP-DTU Partnership is titled, ‘Enhancing Implementation of Technology Needs Assessments: Guidance for Preparing a Technology Action Plan.’ It seeks to assist countries in making informed decisions in their technology choices, and to help them articulate technology actions and formulate appropriate activities. The guidance describes a systematic approach for conducting TAPs in order to address barriers and accelerate development, transfer, deployment and dissemination of priority technologies. It also, inter alia, outlines processes for overcoming gaps in enabling frameworks and capacities, and identifies actions needed for successful technology implementation. [Enhancing Implementation of Technology Needs Assessments: Guidance for Preparing a Technology Action Plan]

In preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Bonn, Germany, from 6-17 November 2017, the TEC issued a brochure titled, ‘Technology Executive Committee. Performance. Activities,’ summarizing the Committee’s activities in 2017. Drawing on the TEC and CTCN joint annual report for 2017, it highlights the TEC’s key publications, events and messages. [Technology Executive Committee. Performance. Activities.]

The report by UN Environment and partners titled, ‘Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water: A Practitioner’s Guide to Adaptation Technologies for Increased Water Sector Resilience,’ focuses on adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector.

The TEC also published a paper titled, ‘Compilation of good practices in effective knowledge-sharing and practical learning on climate adaptation technologies through South-South and triangular cooperation.’ The paper highlights the software (capacity building, knowledge sharing and skills development) and “orgware” (institutional arrangements) components of South-South and triangular cooperation on adaptation technologies. The compilation presents case studies from different regions focusing on knowledge sharing, practical peer-to-peer learning and utilization of countries’ practices and technologies, including their indigenous knowledge and technologies. [Compilation of Good Practices in Effective Knowledge-sharing and Practical Learning on Climate Adaptation Technologies through South-South and Triangular Cooperation]

The CTCN issued its 2017 progress report titled, ‘Technology: Accelerating Climate Action on the Ground.’ The report highlights the CTCN’s collaboration with 73 countries, and underscores that making technology transfer work requires: identifying and prioritizing technologies; strengthening capacities; enhancing decision-making tools and information; assessing feasibility, piloting and deployment; supporting enabling environments; and increasing access to finance.

In her foreword, CTCN Advisory Board Chair Mette Møglestue notes that the CTCN is now assessing the impacts of its operations in relation to the targets and associated indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is contributing to sharing lessons learned with complementary initiatives as part of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) under SDG 17 (partnerships for the Goals). [Technology: Accelerating Climate Action on the Ground] [CTCN Press Release]

The CTCN, UNEP-DTU Partnership and UN Environment-DHI Centre on Water and Environment published a report titled, ‘Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water: A Practitioner’s Guide to Adaptation Technologies for Increased Water Sector Resilience.’ The guide focuses on adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector. It provides an overview of 102 water technologies and techniques that address challenges resulting from climate change and help to build adaptive capacity. [Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water: A Practitioner’s Guide to Adaptation Technologies for Increased Water Sector Resilience] [CTCN Press Release]

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The SDG Knowledge Hub publishes regular adaptation, and capacity building and technology updates that can be found under the tags Adaptation and Loss and Damage Update, and Climate Change Capacity Building and Technology Update.