30 November 2017: To follow-up on outcomes from its World Ocean Conference, held in June 2017, the UN has launched nine thematic multi-stakeholder “Communities of Ocean Action.” The communities are meant to generate new voluntary commitments and support collaboration across the many stakeholders implementing the Sustainable Development Goal on the ocean (SDG 14 on life below water).
By its conclusion in June 2017, the UN Ocean Conference generated over 1,400 voluntary commitments towards sustainable use and conservation of the ocean. The commitments address the range of targets listed under SDG 14, reinforcing the ‘Our Ocean, Our Future: Call for Action,’ the major outcome document from the Conference.
The UN launched the Communities of Ocean Action from 27-30 November, through a series of webinars. They address: mangroves; coral reefs; marine and coastal ecosystems management; sustainable fisheries; marine pollution; sustainable blue economy; scientific knowledge, research capacity and transfer of marine technology; and implementation of international law as reflected in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The Communities are open to stakeholders that have registered voluntary commitments. They will each be guided by two focal points who will work in coordination with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). [UN Ocean Press Release] [SDG Knowledge Hub on Ocean Conference Outcomes] [Communities of Ocean Action: Mangroves; Coral reefs; Ocean acidification; Marine and coastal ecosystems management; Sustainable fisheries; Marine pollution; Sustainable blue economy; Scientific knowledge, research capacity development and transfer of marine technology; Implementation of international law as reflected in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea]