December 2017: The NDC Partnership has highlighted key lessons from its engagement in 15 countries to facilitate implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The publication reviews progress with regard to: mainstreaming climate action across all government levels; integrating climate action into budgets; planning for investment; and aligning NDC implementation with implementing the SDGs, for planning and efficient resource use.

The NDC Partnership was launched in 2015, at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France, as a coalition of countries and institutions aimed at mobilizing support and achieving climate goals while enhancing sustainable development. As of November 2017, the Partnership, co-chaired by Germany and Morocco, includes 62 member countries and 12 institutional partners, which help ensure countries can access the technical assistance, knowledge and financial support required to implement their NDCs. Its report is titled, ‘Partnership in Action: One Year On.’

In a set of country summaries, the report details efforts in Colombia, Costa Rica, Fiji, Honduras, Mali, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, São Tomé e Príncipe, Tunisia, Uganda and Viet Nam. It describes how the Partnership has: helped countries align climate and development agendas; coordinated expertise and resources to support NDC-related actions; further unlocked technical and financial assistance for quicker response and increased ambition; strengthened national climate finance mechanisms; helped design investment plans that ensure greater alignment between NDCs and the SDGs; and advanced institutional and legal capacities for NDC implementation.

In the Pacific, the Partnership is helping to create the first-ever NDC Regional Hub to deploy technical assistance and ensure that all relevant stakeholders are working toward a shared goal, with the aim of replicating such a model in other regions. In Mali, the Partnership is supporting a national dialogue with relevant stakeholders to discuss respective roles and responsibilities in achieving the country’s NDC. In the Marshall Islands, it offers demand-led technical support to overcome challenges of remoteness and capacity constraints, and in Morocco, it has helped the government to use green bonds to fund renewable energy projects. In Pakistan, the Partnership is exploring exploring carbon pricing options. In Uganda, it has created a budget tagging and tracking system to identify budget allocations, expenditures and resource needs for climate-related projects.

The report also identifies potential future opportunities for Partnership services. [NDC Partnership Website] [Publication: Partnership in Action: One Year On]