19 March 2018: The World Water Council and partners have launched and highlighted key reports addressing water-related topics such as infrastructure, finance, local action and groundwater – some of the many issues under discussion at the eighth World Water Forum. The Forum is running from 18-23 March, in Brasilia, Brazil.
In the lead up to the World Water Forum, in February 2018, the World Water Council published a report titled, ‘Ten Actions for Financing Infrastructure,’ which identifies actions to close the financing gap for water infrastructure. The report highlights the operational and practical functions that can lower barriers, even though an abundance of capital exists. The publication discusses the challenges as well as the progress underway. [Publication: Ten Actions for Financing Infrastructure] [World Water Council Press Release]
Also in February, the World Water Council published a report titled, ‘Increasing Financial Flows for Urban Sanitation,’ and a set of eight case studies. The analysis aims to raise awareness of innovative financing instruments to increase the provision of sanitation. It calls for involving more actors in national sanitation financing plans. The report and case studies are complimented by policy recommendations. [World Water Council Press Release] [Publication: Increasing Financial Flows for Urban Sanitation]
Another publication titled, ‘Global Water Security: Lessons Learnt and Long-Term Implications,’ discusses 10 case studies and proposes policies for encouraging all water users to collaborate towards water security. The World Water Council in partnership with the World Council of Water and China’s Ministry of Water Resources launched the publication at the World Water Forum. The book shares real-world stories from water policies, management, development and governance decisions, along with how they affected the environment, and the energy and agriculture sectors. It includes case studies from cities, countries and regions such as Australia, Brazil, China, France, Singapore, the US (California), as well as Central Asia and Latin America. [World Water Council Press Release]
Also in conjunction with the World Water Forum, the World Water Council released the publication titled, ‘Start with Water: Putting Water on Local Action Agendas to Support Global Change.’ It aims to help Local and Regional Authorities preserve water security and sanitation in cities, given future competing challenges. The report provides a background on relevant frameworks, including the: New Urban Agenda; Sustainable Development Goals; Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction; and the Paris Agreement on climate change, among others. The guide then provides eight recommendations for: not leaving anyone behind (equity); removing barriers (water-sensitive national and urban planning); setting fair rules for everyone (legislation and governance); allowing investment for the future (urban water finance); planning for risk; (urban water resilience); building the right skills for the job (capacity in cities); maximizing resources (efficiency); and addressing the gap (sanitation). [Publication: Start with Water: Putting Water on Local Action Agendas to Support Global Change]
UN-Water in partnership with the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) released the report titled, ‘Groundwater – making the invisible visible.’ The publication discusses groundwater activities among the UN entities with water and sanitation programmes, and international organizations with a water and sanitation focus. The overview highlights the essentials and the credentials of groundwater, placed within the broad spectrum of UN-Water Member’s and Partner’s activities. It provides information meant to enhance exchange and collaboration on groundwater. [IGRAC Press Release]
Finally, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), with the World Water Council, released a white paper titled, ‘Water Accounting For Water Governance And Sustainable Development.’ The publication supports the work of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity launched at the Marrakech Climate Conference in November 2016. The paper explains water accounting, and elaborates how it can inform water governance.[World Water Council Press Release] [Publication: Water Accounting For Water Governance And Sustainable Development]