5 April 2018: The Second Asian and Pacific Energy Forum (APEF 2) has adopted a Ministerial Declaration committing members to increase the share of renewable energy, increase energy efficiency and rationalize the use of fossil fuels in the region.

Organized by UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), APEF 2 aimed to provide a platform to review progress towards SDG 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) in the Asia and Pacific Region. Participants also discussed linkages with other SDGs as well as other benefits of increased regional energy cooperation and connectivity.

In their declaration, participating Ministers stress that the region has made remarkable progress in improving universal access to energy, but that greater efforts are needed to achieve SDG 7 targets on access to energy (Target 7.1), renewable energy (target 7.2), and energy efficiency (target 7.3). the declaration notes that Ministers seek to deepen regional collaboration on energy issues, including on energy efficiency in energy supply chains, diversifying the energy mix of countries, improving energy connectivity, and encouraging policy frameworks to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies to discourage wasteful consumption.

Ministers decide, among other actions, to: further promote cooperation among countries in the region to implement SDG 7; convene a third Asian and Pacific Energy Forum in 2023 to review SDG 7 implementation; promote regional and sub-regional cooperation through existing and new platforms, including sharing of best practices; assist countries in developing national SDG 7 roadmaps and mainstreaming SDG 7 and other energy related targets into national policies, plans and strategies; reviewing SDG 7 progress at the regional level; and conducting analytical studies on key energy trends and emerging issues in the region.

APEF 2 convened from 3-5 April 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand. [UNESCAP Press Release] [Meeting Home Page and Documents] [APEF 2 Ministerial Declaration]