20 April 2018: The UN Statistics Division (UNSD) launched an online data hub that provides access to official SDG data, providing transparency to the data used by the UN to report progress toward the SDGs and their targets. To date, the hub contains 460,000 data records, covering 132 out of the 232 indicators in the SDG global indicator framework.

The data can be explored by SDG, by country, by region, and as global aggregates. Achievements toward targets and indicators can be produced as maps and other visualizations. The hub provides links to Member States’ own open data sites, where available.

The hub features visualizations of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) SDGs Report for 2017. The data show that, while progress has been made, many disparities remain between sexes, age groups, income groups and geographic locations. The report calls for more rapid and inclusive progress to fully achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Despite uneven progress, the report indicates some achievements globally. For example, the global rate of deforestation slowed between 2010 and 2015, and overseas development assistance (ODA) reached a new peak, rising by 8.9% between 2015 and 2016.

UNSD states that the Open SDG Data Hub aims to promote the exploration, analysis, and use of authoritative sources for evidence-based decision making and reviews. [Open SDG Data Hub] [UNSD News] [The SDGs Report 2017]