30 April 2018: The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Bertelsmann Stiftung launched a public consultation on the third annual SDG Index and Dashboard Report, which will provide a “report card” of every country’s performance on SDG implementation. The 2018 edition of the report will focus on national implementation of the SDGs, and include trend data for the first time.

The SDG Index and Dashboard Report uses internationally comparable data reported by international organizations and other data providers to compare UN Member States’ progress towards the SDGs. The 2018 report’s preliminary index uses five types of color-coded arrows to donate progress, or lack thereof, on each of the SDGs. The arrows show if a country is: maintaining performance above Goal achievement; on track to meet the Goal; moderately increasing its performance; stagnating; or decreasing in its progress towards meeting a Goal. The report also adds a few new indicators.

Public comments are invited on a range of topics, including the preliminary dashboards, the thresholds used for Goal achievement, the data sources used, data sources that should be included, and the proposed analysis of trend data. The online consultation form allows users to select particular SDGs on which to comment, and allows for specific comments on indicators, thresholds and trends, and for links to references.

The consultation runs from 30 April to 11 May 2018, following which the report is expected to be published in early July. [SDSN Press Release] [Consultation Online Forum] [SDG Knowledge Hub story on 2017 Dashboard and Report]