May 2018: The Global Platform for the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF Global Platform) has launched its Community of Practice, an online platform to enhance multi-stakeholder collaboration and knowledge sharing towards achievement of the 10 NYDF goals. The platform offers a space for identifying challenges, sharing best practices, and for community users to keep abreast of current events.

NYDF endorsers and partners called for the Community of Practice to support collaboration and knowledge sharing towards the Platform’s objectives. It features discussion threads, access to webinars, and academic and practical resources, as well as information on meetings and events. The Community also offers engagement with the NYDF Secretariat and with the nearly 200 NYDF endorsers that include companies, subnational governments, national governments, indigenous peoples, and civil society representatives, among others.

“The NYDF Community of Practice provides a space to communicate with our peers on our collective successes and challenges in helping to protect forests along the supply chain, and gain resources and best practices on how we can continue to improve our efforts,” said Rachael Sherman, Director, Global Supply Chain Sustainability at McDonald’s.

Topics under current discussion on the Community of Practice include: forests and the Sustainable Development Goals; forests and climate; alternative forest livelihoods; forests and non-agricultural sectors; announcements; restoration and reforestation; forest governance and communities; REDD+ and forest finance; and forests and agricultural commodities.

The New York Declaration on Forests, endorsed in 2014, outlines ten global goals to protect and restore forests and end natural forest loss by 2030. [Community of Practice Registration] [NYDF Global Platform]