20 June 2018: On the sidelines of the second meeting of the Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA), six partners launched an initiative titled, ‘Nature4Climate,’ which will seek to harness the potential of the land sector to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Nature4Climate will bring together the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Conservation International (CI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Woods Hole Research Center, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI) to work with national and subnational governments and business groups to increase policy action on and investment in natural climate solutions. Marking the launch, the organizations highlighted the co-benefits of nature-based solutions for achieving the SDGs and the benefits of landscape restoration for economy, jobs, food security and climate, among other linkages.

The Nature4Climate website includes a “N4CMapper,” which the viewer can use to explore the potential of 10 natural climate solutions to reduce and store GHG emissions in 190 countries.

Along with the launch of the initiative, the partners called on subnational governments and businesses to back the 30X30 Forests, Food and Land Challenge at the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), which will take place in San Francisco, California, in September 2018. [Nature4Climate website] [News Release on Launch]