4 July 2018: The Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group on Climate Change, a negotiating bloc that includes LDCs from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific, recently met to galvanize support and help build momentum for an ambitious outcome at the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC in December in Katowitce, Poland.

COP 24 is expected to adopt the rules governing implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

During the meeting, which convened from 2-4 July 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand, LDC Group Chair Gebru Jember Endalew noted that the group is working to strengthen its negotiating position and build its leadership role in the global effort to combat climate change. According to an LDC Group for Climate Change press release, several LDC countries are already beginning to operationalize the Paris Agreement, and have demonstrated leadership, ambition and transformative climate actions.

The meeting provided LDC representatives with the opportunity to reflect on progress made and plans going forward, and discuss Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), national adaptation plans (NAPs) and the forthcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15).

UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP, or UN Environment) representatives expressed their support for the LDCs in their mitigation and adaptation efforts. The UNDP and UNEP aim to help ensure LDC voices are heard in the international climate change negotiations.

The meeting also saw the launch of a new website, LDC Climate Change. [LDC Climate Change Website]

The meeting was organized through the joint UNDP-UNEP project, ‘Building Capacity for LDCs to Participate Effectively in Intergovernmental Climate Change Processes,’ which is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) LDC Fund (LDCF). [UNDP Press Release] [LDC Group for Climate Change Press Release]