25 June 2018: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) took on the leadership of the World Water Data Initiative at a meeting of the WMO Executive Council in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Water Data Initiative is a global effort previously launched by the Government of Australia to promote hydrometry as a basis for implementing SDG 6 on access to clean water and sanitation. The announcement of WMO’s role came at a one-day dialogue on strengthening hydrological services and improving forecasting, monitoring and use of water supplies.
In March 2018, the High-Level Panel on Water (HLPW) recommended, in its report titled, ‘Making Every Drop Count,’ that the World Water Data Initiative should continue. The Initiative builds the capacity of national governments to plan adequately for water stress and scarcity, floods, drought, and freshwater pollution. WMO’s role now is to develop Phase II of the Initiative.
At the dialogue event, WMO also launched a call for proposals to develop cost-effective solutions for hydrological monitoring, which are appropriate for developing countries including Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The WMO HydroHub, a platform for sharing of knowledge and expertise, is offering seed funding of up to CHF 100,000 for “innovative solutions in operational hydrology.” The deadline for submissions is 20 August 2018. [WMO Press Release] [HydroHub Innovation Call][SDG Knowledge Hub story on HLPW outcome package]