28 June 2018: The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, whose Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), has published two sNAPshot country briefs, highlighting strategic communications for the NAP process in Saint Lucia and adaptation funding in Cambodia through the country’s national budget. The UNFCCC Secretariat has received Fiji’s NAP.

The NAP Global Network brief titled, ‘Strategic Communications for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process in Saint Lucia,’ highlights a selection of communications activities and best practices that the country has undertaken to raise awareness of the need to adapt to climate change, including developing a communications strategy, launching a website, fostering dialogue with journalists, identifying spokespersons for the NAP process, developing a NAP logo and measuring impact.

Fiji’s NAP highlights links to other existing policies and planning processes, including those to implement the 2030 Agenda.

The other publication titled, ‘Funding Adaptation Through Cambodia’s National Budget,’ demonstrates how the allocation of public finance in Cambodia supports the integration of adaptation priorities into national programmes and helps ensure the predictability of financial resources available to implement them. The brief identifies several takeaways from Cambodia’s experience: 1) political leadership is critical to domestic financing of adaptation action; 2) expenditure data need to be combined with data on climate adaptation outcomes; 3) some climate change actions are supported with existing budget funds that are not identified as climate finance; 4) lack of finance is a critical barrier to the NAP process; 5) domestic resources can mobilize a more immediate, nationally driven response to climate change, and, when aligned with external funding sources, can have a much greater impact; and 6) sustainable financing is based on country ownership and a long-term view. [NAP Global Network Website]

Fiji’s NAP, dated October 2017 and received by the UNFCCC Secretariat on 28 June 2018, outlines a framework, created as a result of a national-level consultation workshop, to guide the country’s efforts to develop its NAP on an ongoing basis to comprehensively address climate change. The document describes the goals of Fiji’s NAP process, approaches underpinning it, guiding principles, links to other existing policies and planning processes such as those to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, institutional arrangements, and next steps and milestones. [UNFCCC NAP Central]