13 November 2018: A declaration signed by heads of UN agencies and French President Emmanuel Macron at the conclusion of the first edition of the Paris Peace Forum highlights climate change, pandemics, food insecurity and water scarcity among “the most pressing challenges in terms of peace and security.” The statement urges strong collective action and enhanced collaboration and partnerships to promote the “common goal of a lasting security and development that benefits all.”

The Forum convened with the aim of reviving and improving global governance, during which Heads of State and Government showcased their efforts in this regard. Initiated by Macron, the Forum, which convened from 11-13 November in Paris, France, brought together all stakeholders working on global governance issues to discuss the most pressing challenges the world faces nowadays and find concrete solutions.

Macron, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General Audrey Azoulay, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General Angel Gurría, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde and International Labour Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder issued a joint declaration following their meeting during the Forum.

Challenges for peace and security require collective action and global and multilateral solutions.

In the statement, the leaders welcome cooperation in such areas as maintaining international peace and security, protecting the environment and biodiversity, achieving the SDGs, international trade and investments, human rights and gender equality, and the fight against corruption and tax avoidance and evasion.

The statement notes that challenges for peace and security such as climate change, nuclear weapons proliferation, terrorism, pandemics, food insecurity, water scarcity and trade conflicts are global in scope and require collective action, with the participation of all countries, as well as global and multilateral solutions.

The joint declaration underscores:

  • the importance of multilateral policies focused on conflict prevention and the need to foster adapted tools and strategies in this regard;
  • the need to promote inclusive approaches that support the diverse range of missions and consider the peace nexus that includes conflict resolution, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid, decent work and development;
  • the fostering of international cooperation to harness the potential of the digital transformation for the benefit of all citizens;
  • the need to enhance collaboration and partnerships, including with the business community, social partners, financial institutions, civil society and regional and sub-regional organizations; and
  • the need for innovation, reform and the provision of political support and adequate resources.

During the forum, 121 projects were presented, of which ten global governance solutions were selected for follow up and special support for a year, including those addressing climate resilient zero-budget natural farming in Andhra Pradesh, India, by the local government; data to combat torture by the World Justice Project; and youth by the African Union Commission and the EU.

The Paris Peace Forum is a new annual event based on the idea that international cooperation is key to tackling global challenges and ensuring durable peace. It brings together all actors working on global governance issues, and aims to demonstrate momentum for multilateralism. [Joint Declaration] [Paris Peace Forum Press Release] [Paris Peace Forum Website]