20 November 2018: As the Katowice Climate Change Conference is drawing near, Belize, Benin, the Cook Islands, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Poland, Saint Lucia, Togo, Tonga and Uruguay have brought the number of Doha Amendment ratifications to 122. The Amendment is now 22 ratifications away from entry into force.

The Doha Amendment establishes the Protocol’s second commitment period from 2013-2020. It was adopted by Decision 1/CMP.8 at the eighth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 8), in Doha, Qatar, in 2012.

Since May 2018, ten Parties have ratified the Amendment, bringing the total number of ratifications to 122. Belize submitted its instrument of acceptance on 24 July 2018; Benin on 29 August 2018; the Cook Islands on 5 November 2018; Guinea-Bissau on 22 October 2018; Niger on 1 August 2018; Poland on 28 September 2018; Saint Lucia on 20 November 2018; Togo on 30 October 2018; Tonga on 22 October 2018; and Uruguay on 12 September 2018.

The Amendment will enter into force when 144 Parties, or three-quarters of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, have submitted their instruments of acceptance to the Depositary. [Status of the Doha Amendment] [UN Treaty Collection Doha Amendment Webpage] [Doha Amendment]