October 2018: The Institute for Biodiversity Network (IBN) has published a study that analyzes the structure and content of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets. Based on the analysis, the study provides proposals for the development of the post-2020 biodiversity framework.

The study titled, ‘Analysis of the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity (CBD) and First Discussions of Resulting Recommendations for a Post-2020 CBD Framework,’ was published in October 2018. It was funded by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

The report includes an analysis of the individual Aichi Targets with respect to their ‘SMARTness’ and their relationship towards other relevant policy processes. For each of the Aichi Targets, the publication assesses options as to whether to keep it or modify it, and provides further recommendations. These proposals were discussed with stakeholders and experts from the scientific community and civil society during a national workshop in Berlin, Germany, and then at a European-level workshop held in Bonn, Germany.

The report places special emphasis on potential approaches for fostering commitments and strengthening implementation. The publication also includes a list of possible additional topics for the post-2020 CBD framework that were either extracted from the studied literature or from the discussions at the workshops.

Overall, the report recommends maintaining the current Strategic Plan “to the highest degree possible” beyond 2020. The report suggests that “re-negotiations” should focus on improving the existing framework with regard to its consistence, simplicity and coherence with other multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), while keeping the level of ambition. [Publication: Analysis of the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity (CBD) and First Discussions of Resulting Recommendations for a Post-2020 CBD Framework] [Extended Summary][Policy Brief on the Publication] [IBN Website]