25 June 2019: The SDG Lab, a multi-stakeholder initiative to support SDG actors based in Geneva, Switzerland, launched a toolkit that provides insight into the methods, tools and techniques that can help deliver on the 2030 Agenda. The toolkit is intended to support users in localizing the SDGs, testing new tools, connecting with new stakeholders, incubating partnerships, co-creating solutions, and learning from other implementation successes and challenges.

The SDG Lab toolkit titled, ‘Activating the 2030 Agenda,’ was launched on 25 June 2019. It consolidates 11 tools that have been tested since the Lab’s founding, which are grouped according to the Lab’s four areas of work. Those areas are: Connect, Amplify, Ask Questions and Innovate.

The tools outlined under ‘Connect’ seek to help create new opportunities for actors to co-create solutions and exchange information, experiences, and ideas for collaboration. The ‘Amplify’ section of the toolkit outlines ways to learn from and build on each other’s practice, and the ‘Ask Questions’ seeks to support users in asking key questions that uncover new ways of thinking and new paths to action. The ‘Innovate’ section of the toolkit encourages experimentation with new approaches, formats and processes, as well as risk-taking and learning from failure.

The toolkit provides an overview of what each tool aims to achieve, why it should be considered, how to implement it, a list of practical suggestions, and templates. It also contains a list of additional resources developed by organizations within the Geneva 2030 Ecosystem – a multi-stakeholder initiative that mobilizes Geneva’s capacity, skills, experience and ideas to implement the SDGs. These additional resources are categorized as whether they relate to process, assessment, technology, human rights, and SDGs in general.

The SDG Lab is led by the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG). The Lab was publicly launched on 1 June 2017, and is also a co-convener, with IISD, of the Geneva 2030 Ecosystem. [SDG Lab Toolkit] [SDG Lab website]