23 September 2019: The NDC Partnership has launched an initiative to raise climate ambition and build a more sustainable future by limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and building resilience against the negative impacts of climate change. Through the ‘Climate Action Enhancement Package’ (CAEP), countries also drive the SDGs by integrating climate action into core development strategies.

The CAEP was launched on the sidelines of the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit by the NDC Partnership’s co-chairs Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, Minister of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica, and Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, the Netherlands.

At a time when we need to move from promises to action, the NDC Partnership is a unique platform for change.

CAEP offers fast-track support to countries scaling up their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement on climate change. CAEP relies on the NDC Partnership’s approach of supporting countries by matching them with finance and expertise from a wide range of partners. The Package enhances member resources with a Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) backed by a number of donors.

Under CAEP’s first call for proposals, 50 of the NDC Partnership’s member countries have proposed more ambitious climate plans by 2020, along with enhanced action to implement them, enabled by expertise and resources from across their governmental institutions and civil society. These plans are backed by financial and technical support from 30 international institutions.

“The aim is to ensure that if a member country wants to increase the ambition of its NDC, it can count on the support of international partners to meet its goals,” said Kaag. “At a time when we need to move from promises to action, the NDC Partnership is a unique platform for change,” she noted.

The NDC Partnership is a global coalition of countries and institutions seeking to drive transformational climate action and sustainable development. Partnership members leverage their resources and expertise to provide countries with the support they need to implement their NDCs. The NDC Partnership has more than 150 members, including developed and developing countries from all regions of the world, major international institutions and non-state actors. [NDC Partnership Press Release]