A paper on the perspective of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) calls for stronger emissions cuts and financial compensation for the impacts they are expected to suffer from climate change. The paper was released in July 2021 ahead of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 26).

The paper published by Power Shift Africa is supported by developing country negotiating blocs, including the Africa Group, the Climate Vulnerable Forum, Least Developed Countries, and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS). According to Climate Action Network International, the five-point plan contained in the paper “has been developed and endorsed by Government leaders representing countries and UN negotiating blocs which make up more than half the nations of the world.”

The paper calls for action from countries that “became prosperous through the untrammeled burning of fossil fuels.”

Titled ‘COP 26: Delivering the Paris Agreement: A five-point plan for solidarity, fairness and prosperity,’ the position paper calls COP 26 a moment of “both maximum need and maximum opportunity.” At this Conference, governments that signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 “are due to deliver on promises made.” The paper cites the needs of nations most acutely threatened by climate change, and says COP 26 cannot succeed without delivering for the most vulnerable.

The paper indicates five areas in which governments must deliver on their promises – and particularly the governments whose countries “became prosperous through the untrammeled burning of fossil fuels.”

  • Mitigation/ cutting emissions: Set more ambitious targets across the board in line with the 1.5-degree goal and enact policies to meet them, with developed countries basing national actions on their fair shares;
  • Adaptation: Strengthen provisions to help the most vulnerable adapt, such as establishing a clear process to define the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), and commit to allocating at least 50% of climate finance to adaptation;
  • Loss and Damage: Place the Warsaw Implementation Mechanism under joint oversight of the UN climate convention (COP) and Paris Agreement (CMA); and appoint a special COP 26 loss and damage envoy to increase political will;
  • Finance: Deliver on promises made in both Paris and Copenhagen of at least USD100 billion per year by 2020, up to 2024, with a concrete delivery plan, with at least half going to adaptation, with increased annual sums from 2025. Commit to increasing provision of grants rather than loans. In addition, due to debt arising from COVID-19, pass a resolution calling on Parties to provide additional liquidity to developing countries; and
  • Implementation: Finalize rules on transparency, carbon trading, and common timeframes for accelerating action; agree a common five-year time frame for NDCs, for all countries.

COP 26 is scheduled to convene in Glasgow, UK, from 1-12 November 2021. [Publication: COP 26: Delivering the Paris Agreement: A five-point plan for solidarity, fairness and prosperity]