The Adaptation Fund (AF), established under the Kyoto Protocol, finances projects and programmes that help vulnerable communities in developing countries adapt to climate change. The Fund is supervised and managed by the AF Board. The World Bank serves as AF trustee on an interim basis. Since 2019, the Adaptation Fund has served the Paris Agreement with respect to all matters relating to the Agreement.
The 35th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board was scheduled to meet from 17-20 March 2020, in Bonn, Germany.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first part of the meeting was held in a virtual video call on 2 April 2020. The first session addressed the transition of officers for the next period of office, including chairs and vice-chairs of the Board, the Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC) and Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC; decision B.34-35/26).
The second session of the 35th meeting was tentatively set for 23-26 June 2020, in Bonn, Germany. However, decisions were ultimately taken through an online intersessional format conducted by email vote.
2 April 2020