17 June 2016: The co-facilitators of the UN General Assembly’s High-level Meeting on Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants have finished collecting comments from UN Member States and others on elements for a draft resolution. They plan to issue a zero draft of the HLM outcome document on 27 June.
David Donoghue, Permanent Representative of Ireland, and Dina Kawar, Permanent Representative of Jordan, convened an informal consultation meeting on 17 June 2016, in New York, US, following a preliminary discussion on 2 June, to exchange additional views on the elements paper.
The “possible elements for the intergovernmentally negotiated outcome document” for the HLM was circulated on 31 May, and includes sections on: format, content, inputs, global compacts, and follow-up of the outcome document.
On format, the EU supported the “form and scope” proposed in the elements paper, which suggests that the outcome document could take the form of a political declaration. The EU also called for reaching agreement on a global compact on responsibility sharing for refugees, which would then be annexed to the declaration. Egypt, Belarus and others supported a short, concise political declaration. One government favored organizing the outcome document around five principles: prevention, protection, self-reliance, partnership and responsibility sharing.
On content, governments discussed how the document should address the root causes of migration and refugee movements. Suggested focal areas included: improving services in refugee camps; addressing violations of international law; and protecting migrant women, persons with disabilities, children and youth. Governments emphasized the importance of “the right to return in a safe and dignified way” and the priority of helping refugees return to their country of origin “in safety and dignity.”
Many highlighted burden-sharing and responsibility-sharing, with one saying the HLM’s approach should mirror Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 10.7 in balancing well management migration and States’ responsibilities to manage borders and prevent criminal activities. Another suggested that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Executive Committee Conclusion 100 could provide guidance on the responsibility sharing. One government said SDG target 8.8 is also relevant to the HLM, and another called for an “SDGs plus” approach.
Also on content, governments discussed: calling for a global campaign against xenophobia and racism; referring to migrations’ positive development impacts; including internally displaced persons (IDPs) and/or statelessness; whether and how to distinguish between refugee and migrant flows, or to replace both categories with “displacement”; how to relieve pressure on host countries; and a reference to creating more legal pathways for migration.
The non-paper invites views on the two global compacts proposed in the UN Secretary-General’s report, on: responsibility sharing for refugees; and safe, regular and orderly migration. Several governments expressed support for formulating both compacts, and called for linkages between them. One country said the HLM should launch the process for improved governance on migration, but the format would not necessarily be a global compact.
Other issues raised in the consultations included: arrangements with the International Organization for Migration (IOM); the role of international financial institutions (IFIs); human trafficking and smuggling; and the impacts of climate change on large movements.
Also on 17 June, UN Member States reached consensus on the modalities for the HLM, Donoghue announced at the start of the informals. A silence procedure was completed successfully at noon.
The co-facilitators plan to issue a zero draft of the HLM outcome document on 27 June, to form the basis for subsequent work, beginning with a meeting on 1 July. They also noted that on 24 June the UNGA President will hold a briefing on the global compact for refugees. [IISD RS Story on Previous Consultations on Elements] [IISD RS Story on Elements Paper] [IISD RS Story on Agreement on Modalities] [HLM Website] [IISD RS Sources] [UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusions]