November 2018: The World Water Council (WWC), with the Global Water Partnership (GWP), have published a report introducing the concept of “water infrastructure for climate adaptation” (WI4A), outlining its importance for achieving countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement on climate change and promoting achievement of the SDGs.

The report argues that investment in WI4A is essential for increasing societies’ resilience to the impacts of climate change, and that multilateral processes from 2019-2020 represent important opportunities for WI4A. The report provides 12 recommendations for ways in which the international water policy community, funders, and financiers can increase investments in WI4A.

According to the report, WI4A covers not only new infrastructure but also enhancements and upgrades. The authors highlight investment in WI4A as necessary not only for delivering on NDCs but also for promoting achievement of many SDGs, including those on hunger (SDG 2), health (SDG 3), water and sanitation (SDG 6), energy (SDG 7), sustainable cities (SDG 11) and others. They identify several opportunities for direct investment towards WI4A, including through the Global Commission on Adaptation, the UN 2019 Climate Summit, the replenishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

WI4A investments can significantly increase the level of ambition on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Specific suggestions are for the international water policy community to mobilize companies to support basin-level funding and financing plans, and for the multilateral climate finance architecture to develop and prioritize five major pilot projects in WI4A. Other potential stakeholders and champions of WI4A are those in the insurance industry who may be able to reduce insured losses, and company directors who have legal responsibilities to manage climate-related risks in the physical environment.

The report provides examples of work that is already being undertaken to reduce climate risk and catalyze direct innovative financing and funding towards WI4A.

The authors suggest that, if shown to be successful, WI4A investments will significantly increase the level of ambition on climate change adaptation and mitigation at the 26th session of the Conference of Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC. Furthermore, they highlight the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to be held in China in 2020, as an opportunity to align international action on climate, water and nature, thus further promoting adaptation efforts. [Publication: Water Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation: The Opportunity to Scale Up Funding and Financing] [Report Web Page]



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