4 March 2011
WTO Aid for Trade Workshop Highlights Caribbean and Pacific
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A World Trade Organization (WTO) workshop on Small, Vulnerable Economies and Aid for Trade featured a discussion of the Aid for Trade achievements of Pacific island countries, as well as the needs and priorities of Caribbean countries.

3 March 2011: The World Trade Organization (WTO) held a workshop on Small, Vulnerable Economies (SVEs) and Aid for Trade, on 17 February 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland, with a focus on Caribbean and Pacific experiences.

WTO members, observers, and observer organizations participated in the workshop, during which presentations by representatives of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and AusAID focused on: the Aid-for-Trade needs and priorities of SVEs, in particular those in the Caribbean and the Pacific, and how development partners are responding to SVEs’ needs, with a focus on the Pacific region.

In its presentation, PIFS highlighted progress made in the implementation of the Pacific Aid for Trade Strategy, and discussed future plans to escalate the region’s work to secure and implement projects that support the development of trade. It also identified key challenges for the region, including securing Aid for Trade support, improving the implementation of projects, creating regional resources and making better use of market access. [WTO Workshop Website] [PIFS Press Release]

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