26 August 2017: The website and resources for outreach during World Toilet Day, which is celebrated annually on 19 November, have been released. The theme for World Toilet Day 2017 – wastewater – coordinates with the theme selected for World Water Day 2017, which is celebrated annually on 22 March.

UN-Water announced the launch of the website during the 27th meeting of UN-Water, which took place from 25-26 August 2017.

In order to achieve SDG 6, poo must be contained, transported, treated and disposed or reused.

The World Toilet Day website indicates that to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), “we need everyone’s poo to take a 4-step journey:” it must be contained, transported, treated and disposed or reused. These steps require poo to be deposited into a hygienic toilet and stored in a sealed pit or tank and separated from human contact, and necessitate pipes or latrine emptying services for moving poo to the treatment stage and then processing into treated wastewater and waste products that can be safely returned to the environment. Finally, safely treated poo can be used for energy generation or as fertilizer in food production.

SDG target 6.2 calls for, by 2030, achieving “access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.” The World Toilet Day website highlights that sanitation is central to eradicating extreme poverty (SDG 1).

Factsheets, logos and posters, as well as case studies, can be accessed on the World Toilet Day website. An event calendar will be updated as UN-Water is informed about activities marking the global day. [World Toilet Day 2017 website] [SDG Knowledge Hub story about 27th UN-Water meeting]



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